1. Within 60 days of your purchase of product that specifies the 60 day money back guarantee you can return the product to D&R Technologies LLC for a full refund upon inspection of product.
  2. There is absolutely no refund on mailing fees unless an D&R Technologies LLC representative has granted the shipping fee.
  3. Fees will be charged if products exterior is damage.
  4. 60 day money back guarantee starts 12 days after purchase date as this fully considers the packaging and shipping time it will take to get to you.
  5. The date you purchase your product will be kept on file so we here at D&R Technologies LLC will know the exact date you purchased.
  6. When Returning Items To D&R Technologies LLC you the customer are fully responsible for getting your return safely back to D&R Technologies LLC. We strongly recommend tracking your package along with insuring all returns.
  7. The one year warranty covers purchase items from D&R Technologies LLC for defective products.
  8. If something has gone wrong with the item you have purchased from D&R Technologies LLC you can return your product and we here at D&R Technologies LLC will fix the problem or either replace it with a new one.
  9. All return shipping fees must be paid by the customer but we here at D&R Technologies LLC once we have fix the problem will pay for shipping costs back to the customer.
  10. There is no cash refund after the sixty day money back guarantee.
  11. If Product has Massive exterior damage the 1 Year Warranty Will Not Apply. A D&R Technologies LLC technician will decide if Massive exterior damage has occurred.
  12. ET Pest Control Refunds are based on the total amount of the purchased price.
    Example: If you purchased the buy 3 get 1 free deal at 149.97USD and you decided to send one back for a refund, you would be refunded an equal amount of 149.97 divided  4 = 37.50USD





Return To:


D&R Technologies LLC
11101 Totem Road
Anchorage, AK 99516


When Returning Please Contact us "Click Here" so we can give you an RA nunber.


This will help us track all returns and help us understand why your dissatisfied.

© 2002-2012 D&R Technologies LLC. All rights reserved